If a pipe bursts in your house, what is your first thought? Mine would be to turn off the water at the main. If you were in the Obama administration you would instead throw a few paper towels on the ground and then talk about how you need a comprehensive plan to fix the problem. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would know that trying to clean up the water while it’s still flowing is a waste of time.
Our country has a massive problem with illegal immigration. We spend billions of dollars providing services for people that pay nothing into our system in taxes. Even worse so many of these people send their paychecks back to mexico, that this source of money is the second largest influx into Mexico’s economy after oil. Part of what makes a countries economy work is when people take their paychecks and then buy goods and services. This employs other people and keeps the local economy rolling which in turn passes tax money up the chain and keeps out state and federal government running. However when an illegal takes their paycheck and wires a huge chunk of it out of country this doesn’t happen.
So you have a large group of people that pay no taxes, spend very little money locally and pull billions out of the system in services. You have drug cartels ramping up the violence on both sides of the border in an effort control more of the billions in drugs that cross the border every year. To top it off Phoenix is now the #2 city in the world for kidnapping.
These things, and many more like them, should unite us in our efforts to control our southern border. Instead we have large groups of people doing everything in their power to stop any sort of border control being enacted. These people are easy to find just listen for their rallying cry, “comprehensive reform”. Comprehensive reform is of course something we should strive for, however unless the tide of humanity is stopped at our southern border any sort of reform to our immigration policy is a joke.
Much like you have to stop the water before you can start cleaning up the mess, you have to seal the border before you can figure out how to fix the problems with the people currently here. The Obama administrations reactions to the Arizona law on illegals is much akin to nothing. Sending 1200 national guard desk jockeys to the Arizona Mexico border is like throwing a few paper towels on the floor and declaring the burst pipe fixed. Then again I’m sure this is Bush’s fault. What isn’t?
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