When Common Sense Isn’t. (part 2)

The HHS mandates that every insurance plan has to pay for contraception and abortifacients regardless of religious belief. Not surprisingly the Catholic Church, among others, has a problem with this. Our wonderful leader and his gaggle of brain dead yes men come out with an alternate plan saying that people can opt out of paying for those services when they pay for other services. This is more of the same dose of crap we got with Obamacare, separate accounts for abortion. As if taking money from a separate bank account somehow makes something less morally repugnant.

“But wait!” The leftists cry, “the money is not going for abortion! its going for health care services”. Let me break it down to a level where even they can understand. If my budget is $20 for the day and has to feed me for all three meals I am clearly paying for all three meals with that money. If my friend buys me lunch, he didn’t pay for my dinner, but now I have more money to spend on dinner, so his money effectively helped pay for my dinner. In no way honestly can I say that he didn’t help me pay for dinner, even though the money came from the “lunch fund” The only way I could make that claim is if I did not eat dinner at all.

Over 97% of Planned Parenthood’s business is abortions. They only offer other services so they can claim they are more than an abortion mill. They are not gonna stop providing referrals for mammograms, they do not perform them, regardless of them getting funding cuts. Instead all the money that goes for “mammograms” just funds more abortions. The money they would have had to spend to promote their referral program and for other costs will now be used to fund abortion. But since the money now being used to pay for this didn’t come from the “abortion fund” we are supposed to be ok with it.

As an employer with strong moral convictions I cannot pay for contraception and or abortifacients, but your gonna tell me I still need to buy plans from companies providing them? Our glorious leader says the insurance companies will pay, not the employers. This is unconstitutional by any reading of the constitution, unless I missed the part where the President can force a private company to do things. However that isn’t the crux of this issue. The real crux is where is the money gonna come from Mr. President? Are you so dense that you don’t think the insurance companies are gonna raise all the premiums to cover this add cost? When they raise the premiums, as the will without a doubt, the employers are again paying for that which they are morally opposed to. What happened to conscience clauses?

Thank God the U.S.C.C.B. among others are standing up to this corrupt and morally bankrupt administration. It is time that we as morally responsible citizens stand up for what we believe in. The morally decomposition of this country has been forced by the left for long enough. We are the majority it is time to start acting like it.

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